Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

How do students with a growth mindset approach school differently than those with a fixed mindset? How does their approach help them in school?


  1. The growth mindset student usually comes to school with a lot of confidence and is ready . The Fixed mindset students don't really put effort into their work. The growth mindset approach helps them because they think postive things such as " I can do this " , The fixed mindset students approach does not help them at all because they tend to give up and put themselves down often when something is to hard or complicated

  2. Growth mindset accepts challenges, try harder, and are open to improve.

    Fixed mindset lose confidence when challenged , give up easier , and try to hide their weakness.

  3. Growth mindsets likes to take challenges and thrives to do good in school.Fixed mindsets have a negative vibe and doesn't do good in school.
    When growth mindsets fail they reflect on what they did wrong and try to be better than before.Fixed mindsets look at others around them to see who did worst and better than them.

  4. 1)Students with a growth mindset approach school wanting to learn new things and improve what they already know.

    Students with a fixed mindset don't want to approach challenges and they don't think that they can learn new things.

    2) Students with a growth mindset want to approach challenges that help them better themselves.
    The way students with a fixed mindset approach things doesn't help them in school very much.

  5. Growth mindset don't give up, take challenges use more effort which therefore helps them increase there grades.Fixed mindset tend to not take challenges and give up.

    growth mindsets keep trying and aim to get a higher score helping them grow.Fixed mindset don't use much effort and just aim for the highest score.

  6. The growth mindset tends to want to learn while the fixed mindset wants to only look smart. Growth mindset improves throughout the school year while the fixed mindset tends to flunk or decrease in grades because they decided to give up.

  7. The student with a growth mindset accepts the challenges and goes beyond what is expected.The fixed mindset student doesn't want to learn but still wants the grade.The student with the fixed mindset avoids challenges and give up easily and they never want to improve.Students with a growth mindset put more effort in work and learn from their mistakes.Students with a fixed mindset don't put effort in their work they just want to get the grade and not learn anymore about that topic.

  8. 1.Growth mindset accepts challenges,try harder,and are open to improve.

    Fixed mindset lose confidence when challenged, give up easier, and try to hide their weakness.

    2. The growth mindset grades improve because they try hard and believe in themself.Fixed mindset don't improve they stay the same or their grade decrees.
